Parent Connections/Self-Determination/SEL
Parent and Caregiver Support and Community
Natick SEPAC Facebook page: Another way to keep in touch with Natick SEPAC - all events are posted on our Facebook page.
Natick Parent Connections: Natick Parent Connections is for parents/caregivers of children with developmental, learning, social/ emotional disabilities and other special education needs.
Moms of Amazing Kids is a social support group for moms raising babies & toddlers, school aged kids & teens, and adults with special needs. We organize social gatherings so moms can share information and connect with other moms who "get it", through fun activities. Our gatherings include dinner night out, mani's and pedi's, yoga, playdates, and more! Note: They also have a Facebook group "Secret Group - Moms of Amazing Kids"
Quirky Mom's Greater Boston: This Facebook group provides online support for parents who experience the daily blessings and struggles of having a "Quirky Kid". Quirky Kids are neuro-diverse and may have ADD, ADHD, Autism, Asperger's, Anxiety, Depression, Sensory Integration Disorders, PDD-NOS, Speech/Language Issues, Social Issues, Learning Disorders or any number of issues that makes them different than your "Typical Kid"
ADHD/ODD/Anxiety Parents Massachusetts: This Facebook group provides a support/network for parents located in Massachusetts who have children with ADHD, Anxiety, Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Natick Mom's Group: This Facebook group is a helpful resource for all Natick Moms.
Social/Emotional Learning Intervention Options: Select the "Behavior Index" to access the list of Behaviors and Intervention Options
CASEL Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning